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Books in English
Projectiology: A Panorama of Experiences of the Consciousness Outside the Human Body
A comprehensive treatise on the out-of-body experience and psychic phenomena. Projectiology is an authoritative, technical, and scholarly volume that provides definitive information on the out-of-body experience (OBE) and paranormal and psychic phenomena. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 24.7MB)
Conscientiogram: A Technical Evaluation of The Integral Consciousness
The Conscientiogram is a method proposed by Vieira to evaluate the manifestation of consciousness with the aim to stimulate the development of self-knowledge and self-evolution. The assessment is based on 2,000 questions that cover multiple attributes of personality. The Conscientiogram allows identification of a personality’s strongtraits, weaktraits and absentraits and analysis of individual skills, as well as distortions, incoherences, and personal impediments. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.6MB)
Who am I? What am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? Where am I going? This book responds to these 5 classic philosophical questions as well as more than 100 others. The book introduces science Conscientiology in a simple approach and language by analysing evolution in a manner that goes beyond mere philosophical inquiry and even the scope of biological evolution. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 5.7MB)
This book brings a detailed and practical study of the process of planning, identifying and executing existential programming (proexis), also known as life project or existential mission. The fulfillment of the proexis is among the greatest achievements that one can aspire to in a human life. Millions of people feel that they have something to accomplish, a task that many only unconsciously identify or follow. This manual is a reference work, demystifying and indispensable for those who wish to assess their real condition in terms of the existential goals assumed before the rebirth in this dimension. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.1MB)
Penta (personal energetic task) is the individual, assistantial transmission of consciential energy directly to ill or deficient consciousness, whether close-by or at a distance, who remain intangible and invisible to common human vision. This task is programmed for a certain hour in the day of a human consciousness, while in the ordinary physical waking state, and is assisted by one or more Helpers. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.8MB)
The English-Portuguese Glossary of Essential Conscientiology Terms (2º Ed)
This Glossary is an excellent tool to understand the corpus of Conscienctiology. We invite you to practice self-lexicotherapy by reading and researching this Glossary in order to enrich your vocabulary and amplify your cognitive potential. The reading of this work is essential to students, researchers, teachers of Conscientiology and all consciousnesses interested in fraternal and cosmoethical self-evolution. Authors: Eliane Wojslaw, Jaclyn Cowen, Jeffrey Lloyd & Liliana Alexandre. (pdf, 5.1MB)
Books in Portuguese
Léxico de Ortopensatas (1ª Ed) Volume I
Léxico de Ortopensatas (1ª Ed) Volume II
The Dictionary is the summary of the thesaurus of the Science of Conscientiology, written in the form of “phrases, sentences and mega-thoughts”, containing simple, complex and eccentric insights into the study of consciousness. The 2 volumes contain more than 20,800 thoughts organised into 6,476 entries. This masterpiece offers cognitive resources capable of generating self-reflections and renewals in the consciousnesses engaged in the study and application of the concepts of conscientiology. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf; Vol I: 6.5MB; (Vol II: 6.8MB)
Enciclopédia da Conscienciologia (9ª Ed)
This 9th Edition of the Encyclopedia of Conscientiology has 4,580 entries, signed by 702 authors, totaling 23,004 pages. The work, conceived by Vieira, proponent of conscientiology, is a reference in the study of consciousness in all its complexity and encompasses thousands of facets on the most important object of study of Humanity – the individuality itself in constant evolution. Organizer: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 152.1MB)
700 Experimentos da Conscienciologia
This treatise, with 700 synthesis chapters and more than 5,000 items in the bibliography, presents the foundations of the neoscience Conscientiology. The work presents multiple techniques, tests and reflections on conscientiology - a science applied to the study of consciousness (ego, personality) in an integral approach, with all its vehicles of manifestation (bodies), previous existences and attributes, deepening its content in a theoretical and practical, so that the reader understands the importance of this knowledge for his life. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 11.2MB)
Projeciologia: Panorama das Experiências da Consciência fora do Corpo Humano (10ª Ed)
A comprehensive treatise on the out-of-body experience and psychic phenomena. Projectiology is an authoritative, technical, and scholarly volume that provides definitive information on the out-of-body experience (OBE) and paranormal and psychic phenomena. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 7.4MB)
Dicionário de Argumentos da Conscienciologia
This dictionary presents cutting-edge conscientiological ideas collected over decades of the author's empirical, scientific research. Each entry is presented in a maximum of 3 pages of bold writing style by exposing advanced themes of the corpus of Conscientiology. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 8.3MB)
Dicionário de Neologismos da Conscienciologia
This dictionary is the main reference for the reader to understand the expressions used in the consciential paradigm. The first edition, organized by Lourdes Pinheiro, records 14,100 neological terms, published by the physician and lexicographer Waldo Vieira, proponent of Conscientiology, in printed and electronic works. Of these, there are 2,019 detailed and exemplified entries, in alphabetical order. Author: Waldo Vieira. Organizer: Lourdes Pinheiro. (pdf, 7.5MB)
This treatise presents the unprecedented theory of extraphysical reurbanizations and of Homo sapiens reurbanisatus, the reurbanized extraphysical consciousness (consreu). The work analyzes the social, demographic, geopolitical and scientific-technological transformations that constitute just the tip of the iceberg of the reurbanization of extraphysical dimensions. With 1,584 pages, the work explains the consciential revolutions, the acceleration of history and the crises of global evolutionary growth that we are experiencing today on our Planet-Hospital-School. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 13MB)
In this treatise, the author approaches the warmongering and pacifism of personalities in a realistic and often impressive way. He historically analyzes the harms of wars and the advantages of peace for humanity from the perspective of conscientiology. The main objective is to help the reader to eliminate old or residual traces of warmongering and to point out ways for the development of self-pacifism. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 12.6MB)
The Conscientiogram is a method proposed by Vieira to evaluate the manifestation of consciousness with the aim to stimulate the development of self-knowledge and self-evolution. The assessment is based on 2,000 questions that cover multiple attributes of personality. The Conscientiogram allows identification of a personality’s strongtraits, weaktraits and absentraits and analysis of individual skills, as well as distortions, incoherences, and personal impediments. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.7MB)
Who am I? What am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? Where am I going? This book responds to these 5 classic philosophical questions as well as more than 100 others. The book introduces science Conscientiology in a simple approach and language by analysing evolution in a manner that goes beyond mere philosophical inquiry and even the scope of biological evolution. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1MB)
This book is a synthesis of the treatise 700 Conscientiology Experiments. It was written with the aim of bringing a simplified and accessible approach to readers of all ages and cultural backgrounds. Discover in this work how the intimate universe of your consciousness is much more exciting and involving than all the objects in the outside world. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.6MB)
Written in the style of a diary, the book contains dozens of reports of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) lived by the author. The OBE or conscious projection is the experience in which the person perceives himself lucid outside his body, being able to even maintain contact with other projected people or beings that have died. With a practical, technical and descriptive style, the work aims to encourage the reader to have their own projective experiences. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 2.5MB)
200 Teáticas da Conscienciologia
Through the selection of 200 important principles and techniques from the wide universe of conscientiological research, this book invites us to align what we already know (theory) with our experiences (practices). The book establishes associations of topic ideas with dozens of conscientiology specialties, providing a comprehensive view of this science. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 2.7MB)
100 Testes da Conscienciometria
This volume presents 100 Conscientiometric tests selected, updated and adapted from the treatise “700 Conscientiology Experiments". The didactic format allows the reader who is starting cutting-edge research in conscientiology to carry out their self-research. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.5MB)
This book covers unpublished topics that were not discussed in depth in the 700 Conscientiology Experiments, including projective techniques, new conscientiological experiments, diagnoses in multiple fields of research and new conscientiometric tests. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.7MB)
This book brings a detailed and practical study of the process of planning, identifying and executing existential programming (proexis), also known as life project or existential mission. The fulfillment of the proexis is among the greatest achievements that one can aspire to in a human life. Millions of people feel that they have something to accomplish, a task that many only unconsciously identify or follow. This manual is a reference work, demystifying and indispensable for those who wish to assess their real condition in terms of the existential goals assumed before the rebirth in this dimension. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 2MB)
Penta (personal energetic task) is the individual, assistantial transmission of consciential energy directly to ill or deficient consciousness, whether close-by or at a distance, who remain intangible and invisible to common human vision. This task is programmed for a certain hour in the day of a human consciousness, while in the ordinary physical waking state, and is assisted by one or more Helpers. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.8MB)
Manual da Dupla Evolutiva (3ª Ed)
This manual presents the foundations of the evolutionary duo technique: a new concept of altruistic relationship for couples, where partners join efforts so that, from their affective and sexual life, they can expand assistance to other consciousnesses. The formation of a pair of this category is a synergistic, challenging technique and opportunity for couples interested in catalyzing evolution and interassistance. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 1.2MB)
Manual dos Megapensenes Trivocabulares
This dictionary made up of more than 12,500 synthesis phrases of just 3 words is a powerful tool for self-reflection. The trivocabular megathosene is the maximum synthesis of ideational content (thosenic manifestation), composed of 3 terms, using the minimum symbolic presentation (word) of communicability (informational domain), according to the attributes of the mentalsoma (parabody of self-discernment). Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 2.8MB)
Manual de Redação da Conscienciologia
This book aims to be a support instrument for the researcher, presenting methods, techniques and tips to expand creativity and personal originality through conscientiological writing. In an inter and multidisciplinary way, it addresses topics ranging from erudite words, foreign words, language addictions, avoidance of words and expressions, in addition to reasoning schemes, cacophate words and fads, among others. It brings essential content for writing texts that seek excellence, both in the form and in the content of ideas. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 8.9MB)
This is volume I, of the pocket-books Series, it consists of a set of 450 mini-phrases of 3 words, or trivocabular megathosenes, for the reader's reflection. The sentences were constructed according to the techniques of Thosenology. Maxims do not prove, but they make you think! Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 6.6MB)
This is volume II, of the pocket-books Series, it consists of a set of 450 mini-phrases of 3 words, or trivocabular megathosenes. The collection was created with the intention of enriching our body of discernment, the mentalsoma. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 7.8MB)
This is volume III, of the pocket-books Series, it consists of a set of 450 mini-phrases of 3 words, or trivocabular megathosenes. Cultural acquisition, no matter how small, is priceless because it will last forever in our integral memory, the holomemory. Author: Waldo Vieira. (pdf, 7.9MB)
INTERCÂMBIO Newsletter 2016
INTERCÂMBIO Newsletter 2015
* Intercâmbio Newsletter is now BiblioAfrica after we changed our mission to book donations instead of overseas intercultural trips.
Africana is the collection of books, documents or similar material on subjects peculiar to or related to Africa. Our objective is to gather here a collection of documents that broaden our understanding of the cultural, social and historical riches and complexities of the African continent.
The General History of Africa is a pioneering corpus of Africa History developed by more than 230 historians and other specialists over 35 years. It aims to reconstruct Africa’s history from the appearance of human beings to contemporary challenges faced in the African Continent. The complete collection was published in 8 volumes richly illustrated with maps, charts, figures, diagrams and photos. The volumes are available online in multiple languages on the UNESCO website.