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Waldo Vieira, Cosmoethical Exemplarist Personality
by Kátia Arakaki (English | eBook Kindle | Paperback)
This book presents an analysis of 30 personality traits of the Brazilian doctor and researcher Waldo Vieira (1932-2015), founder of the science conscientiology, the study of integral consciousness, beyond human life.
by Sebastião Feitosa (Portuguese | eBook Kindle | Paperback)
In Conscientiology, Evolutionary Updating is the process experienced by evolving consciousnesses when they decide to overcome deficit traits by themselves, based on intraconsciential recycling.
Waldo Vieira, Personalidade Exemplarista Cosmoética
by Kátia Arakaki (Portuguese | eBook Kindle | Paperback)
This book presents an analysis of 30 personality traits of the Brazilian doctor and researcher Waldo Vieira (1932-2015), founder of the science conscientiology, the study of integral consciousness, beyond human life.
Waldo Vieira & Obras da Conscienciologia
by Kátia Arakaki (Portuguese | eBook Kindle | Paperback)
Discover the reference works of Conscientiology, a science that studies the integral personality beyond human life, written by the proponent of this evolutionary knowledge, the Brazilian doctor and researcher Waldo Vieira (1932-2015).
by Tony Musskopf (Portuguese | eBook Kindle | Paperback)
This book presents 126 lessons designed to enhance multidimensional self-awareness. It encompasses theoretical and practical principles, individual and group-based techniques, indoor and outdoor exercises, optimisations versus avoidances, and self-assessment tests. The work represents a synthesis of self-research, insights, and parapsychic learnings experienced by the author over more than 30 years.
by Kátia Arakaki (Portuguese | eBook Kindle )
Este workbook conscienciológico é caderno de atividades que visa otimizar as pesquisas pessoais sobre Longevidade Cosmoética, direcionado aos estudiosos da Conscienciologia. Dentre os seus objetivos estão: incentivar os autocuidados pró-longevidade ativa, mostrar a necessidade de reciclagem cosmoética e oferecer técnicas para aprimorar a autocosmoeticidade.